Roman Comedy: translation, metatheater and reception


Subtítulo: Roman Comedy: translation, metatheater and reception

Código: LETR-7054

Carga horária: 15 horas

Créditos: 1

Docentes: Ewa Skwara (Adam-Mickiewicz, Polônia) e Rodrigo Tadeu Gonçalves (UFPR)

Período: 15 a 17 de agosto de 2018, das 13 às 18h.

Sala: 1100 (Ed. D. Pedro I, Complexo da Reitoria UFPR)


This course will present some aspects of Roman Comedy regarding its secondary nature as the plays were translated and adapted from Greek sources. Throughout the course, we will discuss the ways Roman playwrights translated and adapted character names, titles of plays (especially in Plautus), as well as the ways metatheater appear in the remaining plays (especially in Terence) and we will devote some time to specific receptions of Roman Comedy, such as a Renaissance reception by Piccolomini.

1. Translating titles and names

2. Metatheatre

3. Piccolomini and legacy of Roman Comedy.

4. Roman Comedy and Translation

5. Plautus and the Performative

6. Receptions of the Amphitruo


J. Blänsdorf. “Die Komödienintrige als Spiel im Spiel”, Antike & Abenland 28, 1982, s. 131-154;

Dupont, F. Aristóteles ou o vampiro do teatro ocidental. Trad. Joseane Prezotto et al. Florianópolis: Cultura e Barbárie, 2018.

Dupont, F. & Letessier, P. Le théâtre romain. Paris, Armand Colin, 2012.

S.A. Frangoulidis. “Performance and Improvisation in Terence´s “Eunuchus””, Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica, N.S. 48 (3)1994, s. 121-130;

Gonçalves, Rodrigo T. "Discurso soberano performativo-metateatral no Anfritrião de Plauto: sobre homens e deuses". Letras Clássicas USP, vol. 18, n. 2, 2014.

Gonçalves, R. T. Performative Plautus: Sophistics, Metatheater and Translation. Newcastle-upon-Thyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015.

G.R. Grund. Humanist Comedies, Edited and Translated, Harvard, Cambridge, London 2005, ss. VII – XL; ss. 284-343;

H. D. Jocelyn. “The unclassical aspects of Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini´s “Chrysis””, w: Pio II e la cultura del suo tempo”, a cura di Luisa Rotondi Secchi Tarugi, Milano 1991, ss. 215-227;

H.D. Jocelyn. “Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini´s „Chrysis” and the Comedies of Plautus”, „Res Publica Litterarum” 14 (1991), ss. 101-114;

O. Knorr, “Metateatrical Humor in The Comedies of Terence”, w: Terentius Poeta (2007), s. 167-174;

O. Knorr, “Theatralisches Spektakel und Metatheater in der “Andria” und der “Hecyra” des Terenz”, Gymnasium 115 (2008), s. 435-451;

Moore, T. J. The Theater of Plautus: playing to the audience. Austin, Univ. of Texas Press, 1998.

H. Levin. “The Title as a Literary Genre”, w: "The Modern Language Review", 1977, s. 23- 36;

A. Sharrock. Reading Roman Comedy. Poetics and Playfulness in Plautus and Terence. Cambridge University Press, 2009.